
Design Placement

When printing t-shirts and other apparel, the transfer placement and position is crucial to the success of your finished apparel.

A hot topic for apparel decorators and one with many questions on how to place your transfer on the right position/spot on your garments.

Stahls has kindly provided decorators with visual picture of the different spot your transfer can be placed however, the bigger issue here is ensuring the graphic are placed at the right spot bang where they are suppose to be.

Hopefully this guide will provide the knowledge needed for a perfect placement, knowing that your transfer are straight and in the right spot.

Whether you are printing full front graphic, left chest logos, sleeve prints, or any other fashion-forward placements, we have listed below few tools to help with placing your graphics:


The good old trusted ruler; this is a tool many have in their homes, which can be use to ensure a good transfer placement.

Using a ruler, you’ll go 1.5 – 3 inches down from the collar, depending on the shirt size. For an adult size shirt, 3 inches down will be about 3-4 fingers from the collar.

Collar Cutout Guide

Another tool you can try is a placement guide cutout. These are available in packs that comes with several sizes, ranging from adult, youth, toddler to infant.

t-shirt placement guides

All you do is place the guide around the collar for the appropriate size shirt, and then touch the transfer to the edge of the cutout guide.

placement guide for t-shirt collar

Now, keep in mind that you will want to make some adjustments depending on where your image actually starts on the transfer sheet.

If there is a large space between the top of the transfer paper and your design, you’ll want to compensate for that and place the transfer at the guide where your graphic start. This goes for any of the placement methods.

Logo Grid It

Our go to for logo placement allowing for an accurate chest graphics.

Find the centre of the collar and align the premarked target circle(on the Logo grid it) on the centre of the lower collar, the left chest position will be revealed.

Place your design in the desired position underneath the frame grids, make sure it straight, remove the Logo Grid IT and press your design to the garment.

It good practice to make note of the measurement for future presses, this will ensure consistency for the entire logo print run.

Placing transfers on garments may look easy but it so easy to misalign your graphics; but with constant practice, it get better.

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